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Staying Philanthropic During Times of Economic Hardship

Staying Philanthropic During Times of Economic Hardship

Knowing how and when to donate can be tricky. Especially in times of economic hardship, how can homeowners, parents, and families strike the balance of caring for themselves and striving to help those in need? The following tips cover how individuals can stay...
How to Make And Distribute Handmade Cloth Face Masks

How to Make And Distribute Handmade Cloth Face Masks

Medical experts have urged the general public to wear homemade cloth face masks during this pandemic. However, some people don’t have the resources or ability to create these masks. Donating cloth masks provides a great way to assist others in this time of need. This...
How to Help Healthcare Workers Through COVID-19

How to Help Healthcare Workers Through COVID-19

In the midst of this global pandemic, healthcare workers are finding themselves overworked and stressed beyond belief. While you may want to do something to alleviate their burden, you might not know exactly what you can do. This guide will help you discover little...