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Philanthropy and the larger concept of charitable giving are gaining more traction in society today. Due in part to the rise of technology and social media, we’re more aware of societal needs and struggling groups now than ever before. When it comes to philanthropic giving, 2019, in particular, has seen fantastic growth in the overall charitability of society. These are the top philanthropy trends from this year. 

More technology-based philanthropy

Charities have used social media, blogs, and other digital media to spread their messages and expand their reach. It’s not just big-name charity organizations utilizing this technology—websites like GoFundMe and Kickstarter have opened the floodgates for people around the world to participate in simplified charitable giving. Even Facebook has gotten involved, letting users request friends to make charitable donations in lieu of sending birthday gifts. Crowdfunding, according to research by Martha White of Time, makes philanthropy more of a personal experience for individuals, and the technology that enables this crowdfunding makes donating simple. 

More businesses on board

More and more businesses and companies are taking on the mantle of corporate social responsibility (CSR). The broad idea of CSR calls for businesses to consider ethical standards, encouraging business decisions that benefit not just the organization, but society as a whole. Companies such as McDonald’s, which assists children and their families with medical concerns through Ronald McDonald House Charities, use their profit and power to create a better tomorrow. Companies and businesses are actually able to improve their customer relations and public perception via this process, which can lead to higher profit margins and a wider audience and customer base.

More innovative campaigns

The only way for non-profit organizations to achieve their objective of impacting society is by increasing the consistency and reach of charity campaigns. Well-coordinated campaigns are effective in winning the hearts and support of the public. More innovative messages are being posted in diverse, relevant marketing platforms, such as social media and the press, as an incentive to encourage more giving. Because there are so many charities and causes out there, it can be difficult for a niche organization to stand about above the rest. However, innovation and creativity go a long way. By putting time and money towards ads, events, and digital promotions, these organizations can reach their target market, as well as those on the outskirts of it. This innovation brings in donors and offers even more assistance to those in need.